Too often, the daily challenges of running a business enterprise can distract you from proactive, deliberate revenue growth. Not only is it difficult to find the time needed to negotiate contract increases, but the payment methodologies are increasingly complicated and the process is often contentious. Instead, contracts are allowed to age and money is left on the table.

Your Contracting Expert

We Help Put All The Pieces Together
LMc Solutions specializes in payor contracting for ambulatory surgery centers, physicians, and medical groups. Our comprehensive approach melds experience and expertise with a proprietary knowledge database to open doors and close deals. When it comes to revenue from contracted payors, it's not just about what you're entitled to, it's about what you negotiate.
Hire an Expert
It takes an expert to get to the right person and make the right request. If you can’t be an expert, hire an expert. LMc Solutions takes the mystery out of dealing with payors and produces lasting bottom line results. We know how to make all the pieces fit.
“Your experience in our market has been invaluable in achieving the best rate increases possible.”
Surgery Center Administrator